Sparkfun Serial LCD kit with built in Arruino (ATMEGA328P)


I am very new to this forum and this is my first ever post/question. I would really appreciate any help on thr topic.

I have the serial enabled LCD kit with the built in arduino uno. I want to program the on-board uno and I have been using the Parallax XBEE usb adapter. Connection are as follows.

XBEE RX (DIN) to TX of LCD uno,

XBEE TX (DOUT) to RX of uno,

External supply and GND to LCD

XBEE DRT to DRT of LCD uno,

I am not sure if this module board can be used to program the LCD uno but given the pinout, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I have been very unsuccessful with this. Everything just errors out on me.

I would really appreciate some guidance on this. I a. Simply tying to use the LCD kit as a standalone Arduino as it has the built in ATMEGA328P chip.

Thank you,

The Parallax XBEE usb adapter might (or might not) work to program the serial LCD, but when you put your own code on the display you’re going to overwrite the code that’s already on it that makes the LCD work. You would be better off programming something like a [pro mini with your own code and passing data from the pro mini to the serial LCD. I’d get a [FTDI breakout to go with the pro mini since it’s guaranteed to work.](](