SparkFun Serial Enabled LCD Kit

I have a question. Can I buy this SparkFun Serial Enabled LCD Kit already assembled? A few years ago I already ordered one, which was assemled already, but this one does not work anymore.

Hi, thanks for the post. I regret to say that this kit requires assembly I am afraid.

We do have which is similar. Take a look and see if this might work for you. It could be hooked up via a 4 wire qwiic connector to another controller requiring no soldering.

Hope this helps!

Hello …

I realy bought this LCD Kit already assemled. On the box is a label with the txt: LCD-10097, SperkFun Serial Enabled LCD Kit, Batch#117456.

I hope it is still possble to order this item.

Kind regards,

Harry Driever

the Netherlands

Harry, I am not sure how you managed to get one of our kits pre-assembled. We simply do not offer them in this manner and if you bought another, you would have to assemble it I am afraid.

Let me know if I can do anything else.

Hello TS-John,

Maybe I am wrong. So I 'm gonna order a newone and try to assemble it myself :wink: .

Thank you for youre time.

Kind regards, Harry.