Sparkfun Serial LCD not turning on

Good afternoon,

I’m having trouble with the Sparkfun Serial LCD kit.

I have followed all directions but when connected to Arduino(5v) for power the screen won’t even light up.

Any and all help would be appreciated. I have attached pictures for reference.

Thank you

Hi Gonzo094,

Thank you very much for including those photos of your Serial LCD Kit. They are very helpful to identify a possible issue. I think the issue here is there are one or more bad solder joints on your kit. Try reworking the solder joints connecting the control board to the display and see if that helps. [This section of our General Troubleshooting Tips Guide can give you some tips and suggestions for how to rework those solder joints and test them.

If that does not help, the issue may be with solder joints on the other side of the board. Luckily, there are vias on the top side of the board you can solder to so if you continue to have issues after reworking the connections to the display, let me know and we can guide you to help rework the other connections.](