SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto with RedBoard IoT Sparkfun

hi, i want to connect the rfid module to the redboard via serial, which gpio should i use? how do i set the SoftwareSerial function softSerial(3, 1) ?

I am bit puzzled what you want to do?

There are a lot of posts about the M7E in this forum that contain information on how to connect. (like M7E Hecto Simultaneous RFID Reader Not Communicating - #4 by paulvha) Apart from that there is the hookup guide.

Setting SoftwareSerial as (3,1) does not make sense. The RX would become pin 3, and TX would become pin 1. BUT pin 1 is already used as TX for USB to connect to your PC.

I connected the rfid module to pins 2 and 3 of an arduino uno, I moved the resistor and in the code I used softserial(2,3), but it still doesn’t work, any other tips to pay attention to?

I am trying the range_test example and the output is as follows Module continuously reading. Asking it to stop…
Module failed to respond. Please check wiring.

Happens often, so let’s see :

  • How did you connect ?
  • Is the UART switch set to Ser?
  • Is the M7E power led on ?
  • Pictures ?
  • " I moved the resistor " which resistor is that ?