Sparkfun Simultaneous RFID Reader

I bought a Simulaneous RFID Reader and solderd the serial connector to it. I connected it than with my windows computer which is running the Universal Reader Assistant 4.3. Sadly though the reader doesn’t shows the recommended tags that I directly layed on to the external antenna. Yes I’ve made all the adjustments that you recomended for an external antenna. If I click on the Stop Reading button it gives this message: “Timeout für den Vorgang wurde überschritten. Do you want to reset the reader now?”

Please help

Timeout is a standard error message that you get whenever the RFID is not responding.

  1. An often made mistake (done myself as well) is to connect the USB/serial connector the wrong way around. Double that GND/blk of the USB/serial connector is connected to GND/blk of the nano.

  2. A next issue can be the cable. There are a lot of USB cable that only have the power lines connected (charge only cable).

  3. Check in the device manager that the USB/serial connector is recognized. That com-port should also show up in the URA screen.

  4. As a last option : enable tracing in the URA when connecting. That can indicate other errors.


I also have a similar problem here where I can’t even connect. Error messages like the ones I listed always appear. I use SRTR with Redboard. Previously I tried uploading an arduino code sample and it worked perfectly. Do you have another solution? because I have tried the methods above. Thank you

do you have the right driver for USB/serial converter ?

I have FTDI and USB serial converter for original redboard (Dev-13975). Do you think I need another or am I installing the wrong driver?

so how do you connect the SRTR? Which FTDI you use ? can you add a picture ?

I pair SRTR with Arduino Redboard as in the guide and I install the FTDI driver from this link for windows. For additional information I am using Windows 10 and I have also tried the solution you provided at github … assthrough. I tried to use the solution in chapter 5 (changes to Mercury API) but I was a little lost in the ‘build the DLL’ section maybe you can guide me in this section if you think I’m in the right direction. Thank you for your kindness to share your knowledge, sir

Understand now how you connect. Make sure to read ALL the documentation about the passthrough. Both remarks in the sketch and the document /odt (which can be read with nearly any word processor). For now, forget about changing MarcuryApi but :

Make sure to connect a wire between pin DISABLE_RESET_PIN and RESET pin on the POWER connector. The DISABLE_RESET_PIN is defined by default as 5.

Check the RFID_RX, RFID_TX for connecting to the RFID reader.

Now compile and upload the sketch to the Redboard. Wait until it has restarted and connected. If it is ready the Redboard led will be on. If the on-board led blinks it can not connect. once the Redboard led is on, now you can start the URA and connect.

Thank you very much, sir. It works 100 percent for me.