Sparkfun solder paste and stencil class - redux

I participated in the solder paste and stencil class last night, which was excellent. Thanks to Abe, Matt, Nate, Bob and Heather for their great support and help. Took some pictures, some notes, have a (very short) movie on YouTube and some Livescribe audio notes that you might find helpful if you missed parts of the broadcast or couldn’t hear some of it.

Wrote it up at [<LINK_TEXT text=“ … Class.html”></LINK_TEXT> if you’re interested in reading.](

I can’t thank you guys enough for going to the trouble to ustream the class! It was great to watch and the chat among watchers was fun and beneficial also.

Where can I get a stencil for a low-quantity build? I am interested in ramping up my circuit boards from 10 to 100, and I was curious where I could buy a low-cost stencil? (Note; I’m using batchPCB for my boards, so a long lead time is ok).

Well, fellow Forum member ohararp cuts kapton stencils… [OHARARP LLC

Pololu cut mylar… [Pololu - Laser-cut Mylar SMT Stencil](Pololu - Laser-Cut Mylar SMT Stencil)](

Thanks for the information. The price seems reasonable enough that I might have to try this.