SparkFun Thing Plus connecting to Windows Remote desktop

Could someone send me a link to a simple program that I can load on the SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM

to have it pass information between it and the Windows Remote Desktop application via wifi without going through a

cloud service? I want the ESP32 to create a menu on the RDP that a user can select a file to be transferred out using the ESP32’s SPI interface to another device. Also can I write my programs in C#?. If so does it require specific libraries? Thanks.

Could someone send me a link to a simple program that I can load on the SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM

to have it pass information between it and the Windows Remote Desktop application via wifi without going through a

cloud service?

This isn’t going to be a simple program and I doubt very much you’re going to find someone that’s anything like this here on this forum. (I could be wrong but it’s very unlikely.)

I want the ESP32 to create a menu on the RDP that a user can select a file to be transferred out using the ESP32’s SPI interface to another device.

At a minimum you will either need to hack RDP to add a menu or write a windows application that adds to RDP to create a new menu. There’s no way an external ESP32 to “create” a menu on a PC be it local ore remote.

It might be possible to spoof a USB mass storage device on a SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32-S2 WROOM - WRL-17743 connected to the local computer and write code that redirects incoming USB file data to the SPI port though but you’d need to be able to “see” your local ESP32 S2 device as a drive on the remote PC.

Also can I write my programs in C#?. If so does it require specific libraries?

You can write your software in any language you choose provided you can compile binaries that execute on your target. Libraries make your work easier but you don’t need them provided you can write code that duplicates their functionality.

So microsoft windows RDP can’t connect to a ESP32 via wifi and send information back and forth?

Will WifiClient do this? … over-wifi/

As far as I know, Windows RDP only talks to Windows RDP. You might try asking on a Microsoft forum to see if it’s even possible to talk to a ESP 32 with RDP.

works fine with a raspberry pi. That way I can run the pi with no display

Here’s a thought, have your device use a http post back to a MySQL + PHP host. On the Windows desktop, build/install an app that reads that data, takes events, updates DB as needed. If you need some event handling on the device, use a get query to read the state changes in the database in your loop().

Don’t try to go through RDP, this is screen rendering only. Windows RPC (remote procedure calls) might be another option, but dated and authentication is tricky outside the Windows world. Just ok for desktop to desktop, but thing plus to desktop, mileage will vary (likely a lot).