SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM


my SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (v2.0) seems to have a problem with its onboard peripheral power (output).

I was attempting to provide 3V power to a Gravity: Digital Relay Module being used as a simple switch.

The Thing Plus is booting, connecting, configurable, receiving data from two sensors, no problems. I diagnosed the issue with a multimedia after the relay would not power on. The voltage is correct but i am unable to get a reading in A or mA. When i use the multi-meter i see nothing for Amps, and an overload signal for miliamps.

it is a new card, used to upgrade a working system.

How much load are the sensors/relays placing on the system? Those boards can only provide ~600mA total

Hi, the sensors are not powered from the board. I am using buck converters (down from a 24v supply). I did have the relay running from one of the bucks (5v) and that didn’t did work either, oddly it does work perfectly when attached to an older esp32thing board i have. So I moved it to be powered from the board, when I suspected it might prefer a 3 V input. it is a 5V tolerant.

How are you attempting to measure current?

A multmeter of average quality. I’ve taken voltage and ampage readings from all inputs and outputs. Even tried swapping out looms, and powering the relay from different sources.

How are you connecting the multi meter to measure current?

Please provide a picture or diagram.