SparkFun TriColor Large LED / Controller card bad?

I ordered one of this last week and had a program running on it fine for the last 2 days. The program uses a Parallax SX-28 microcontroller and a mini keypad to enter in numbers 0-9, A-F and has random colors when the button is pressed. As I was using the display program tonight the LED controller stoped displaying my characters on it. When rebooting it did show the scrolling up/down LED test pattern so the LEDs are good. How do I get the controller card replaced? Little surprising it only lasted a couple of days.


Timothy Gilmore

  • ' =========================================================================

    ’ File… Keypad_7SEGLED_4x4_RGBLED.SXB

    ’ Purpose… Scanning an ET-MINI KEY4x4

    ’ Original… Original code by Parallax KEYPAD.SXB as seen in SX-KEY HELP MENU

    ’ Author… Timothy Gilmore

    ’ E-mail…

    ’ Started… 02 JUL 2006

    ’ Updated… 08 OCT 2007

    ’ =========================================================================

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Program Description

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ This program demonstrates the scanning of a 4x4 matrix keypad and then displaying

    ’ the character on a 7 segment display AND 8x8 RGB LED Matrix & controller module. … cts_id=760

    ’ Key values (hex):

    ’ C1 C2 C3 C4

    ’ R1 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

    ’ R2 [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ]

    ’ R3 [ 9 ] [ 0 ] [ A ] [ B ]

    ’ R4 [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ]

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Device Settings

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    FREQ 4_000_000

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ IO Pins

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Keys VAR RC ’ keyboard scan port


    Col1 VAR Keys.7 ’ column inputs

    Col2 VAR Keys.6

    Col3 VAR Keys.5

    Col4 VAR Keys.4



    Clock VAR RA.0 ’ Shift clock

    DataOut VAR RA.1 ’ Serial Data Out

    DataIn VAR RA.2 ’ Serial Data In

    ChipSel VAR RA.3 ’ Chip Select

    'Futurlec MiniKey

    'Connect MiniKey PIN1 to RC.7

    'Connect MiniKey PIN2 to RC.6

    'Connect MiniKey PIN3 to RC.5

    'Connect MiniKey PIN4 to RC.4

    'Connect MiniKey PIN8 to RC.3

    'Connect MiniKey PIN7 to RC.2

    'Connect MiniKey PIN6 to RC.1

    'Connect MiniKey PIN5 to RC.0

    'Parallax Professional Development Board - 7 Segment display

    'Connect 7 Seg DP to RB.7

    'Connect 7 Seg G to RB.6

    'Connect 7 Seg F to RB.5

    'Connect 7 Seg E to RB.4

    'Connect 7 Seg D to RB.3

    'Connect 7 Seg C to RB.2

    'Connect 7 Seg B to RB.1

    'Connect 7 Seg A to RB.0

    '7 segment display is common ground

    'SparkFun 8x8 RGB LED matrix and controller

    'Connect RGB display controller CS to RA.3

    'Connect RGB display controller DI to RA.2

    'Connect RGB display controller DO to RA.1

    'Connect RGB display controller SCK to RA.0

    'Connect RGB display controller +5V to Vdd

    'Connect RGB display controller GND to Vss

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Constants

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Yes CON 1

    No CON 0

    Dash CON %01000000 ’ segment G only

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Variables

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    theKey VAR Byte ’ from keypad, 0 - 14

    row VAR Byte ’ keyboard scan row

    temp1 VAR Byte ’ work vars

    temp2 VAR Byte

    temp3 VAR Byte

    temp4 VAR Byte

    buf VAR Byte(8)

    tmpW1 VAR Word

    tmpW2 VAR Word

    value VAR Byte

    ioByte VAR Byte ’ work byte

    ioByte2 VAR Byte ’ work byte

    idx VAR Byte ’ work byte

    char VAR ioByte ’ current char from message – alias

    pixels VAR ioByte2 ’ current pixel data – alias

    rows VAR Byte ’ idx.HIGHNIB ’ counter for reading through rows

    cols VAR Byte ’ idx.LOWNIB ’ counter for reading through cols

    color VAR Byte ’ color for this CHARACTER – you could do more on a pixel (or row or column) basis

    'Rand_no VAR Byte

    'seed VAR Word

    seed VAR Byte

    ’ =========================================================================

    PROGRAM Start

    ’ =========================================================================

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Subroutine Declarations

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    GETKEY SUB ’ get key from pad

    DELAY SUB 1, 2 ’ delay in milliseconds

    doChar SUB

    BITVAL FUNC 1, 2, 3 'Thanks to JonnyMac

    Load_Char SUB 2, 3 'Thanks to JonnyMac

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Program Code

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    char = " " 'clear display with a blank “space” character


    LEDs = Dash ’ dash in 7 segment display

    TRIS_LEDs = %00000000 ’ LED pins are 7 segment outputs


    theKey = GETKEY ’ get a key

    IF theKey < 16 THEN ’ was a key pressed?

    READ ReMap + theKey, theKey ’ yes, remap keypad

    READ Digits + theKey, LEDs ’ output to 7 segment display

    IF theKey > 9 THEN

    theKey = theKey + 65


    theKey = theKey + 48 ’ Ascii it


    Load_Char Char_Maps, theKey

    DELAY 100


    GOTO Main

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Subroutine Code

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ Use: Load_Char table_name, char_code

    ’ – moves character data from table into buf()


    tmpW1 = __WPARAM12 ’ table address

    tmpW2 = __PARAM3 ’ character (ASCII code)

    IF theKey > 57 THEN ’ 9 + 48 = 57

    tmpW2 = tmpW2 - 65 ’ z-offset to “0”


    tmpW2 = tmpW2 - 48


    tmpW2 = tmpW2_LSB << 3 ’ x 8

    tmpW1 = tmpW1 + tmpW2 ’ add offset to address

    FOR temp2 = 0 TO 7

    READINC tmpW1, temp1

    buf(temp2) = temp1




    ’ Use: value = BITVAL someVal, position

    ’ – “someVal” can be a byte or word


    IF __PARAMCNT = 2 THEN ’ byte passed?

    tmpW1 = __PARAM1 ’ get byte value

    temp1 = __PARAM2 ’ get bit position

    ELSE ’ word passed

    tmpW1 = __WPARAM12 ’ word was passed

    temp1 = __PARAM3 ’ get bit position


    temp2 = 0 ’ assume cleared

    IF temp1 >= 0 THEN ’ position value legal?

    IF temp1 <= 15 THEN

    tmpW2 = 1 << temp1 ’ create bit mask

    tmpW2 = tmpW2 & tmpW1 ’ clear other bits

    IF tmpW2 > 0 THEN ’ if not zero

    temp2 = 1 ’ bit was 1




    RETURN temp2



    LOW ChipSel 'get ready for SPI

    PAUSE 1

    FOR rows = 0 TO 7 'loop through rows

    pixels = buf(rows)

    FOR cols = 0 TO 7 'loop cols and make a pixel byte

    value = BITVAL pixels, cols

    value = value * Color

    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, value

    'if bit for this col/row is 1, then color gets you 1-7 if “on”

    'Un-comment to have every LED pixel random

    'RANDOM seed

    'Rand_no = seed // 7 + 1

    'color = Rand_no



    'Un-comment to have every letter random

    'RANDOM temp1 ’

    'temp2 = temp1 // 7

    'temp2 = temp2 + 1

    'color = temp2

    RANDOM seed

    color = seed // 7

    color = color + 1

    'Hold down on keypad for random color cycling

    PAUSE 1

    HIGH ChipSel 'latch it


    ’ This routine works by activating each row, then scanning each column.

    ’ If a particular row/column junction is not active (pressed), the key

    ’ value is incremented and the scan continues. As soon as a key is found,

    ’ the routine exits.

    ’ Use: aByte = GETKEY

    ’ – scans keyboard and places key value into ‘aByte’


    temp1 = 0 ’ reset keyboard value

    row = 4 ’ scan 4 rows

    Keys = %00001000 ’ activate first row

    TRIS_Keys = %11110000 ’ refresh IO state

    DO WHILE row > 0

    IF Col1 = Yes THEN EXIT ’ check buttons on column

    INC temp1 ’ update key value

    IF Col2 = Yes THEN EXIT

    INC temp1

    IF Col3 = Yes THEN EXIT

    INC temp1

    IF Col4 = Yes THEN EXIT

    INC temp1

    Keys = Keys >> 1 ’ select next row

    DEC row


    RETURN temp1

    ’ Use: DELAY base {, multiplier}

    ’ – pause for ‘base’ * (optional) ‘multiplier’ milliseconds

    DELAY: ’ delay x { * y } ms

    temp1 = __PARAM1


    temp2 = 1


    temp2 = __PARAM2


    IF temp1 > 0 THEN

    IF temp2 > 0 THEN

    PAUSE temp1 * temp2




    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ’ DATA

    ’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    DATA 62,127,99,99,99,99,127,62 '0

    DATA 28,30,31,31,28,28,127,127 '1

    DATA 30,63,51,56,28,14,127,127 '2

    DATA 62,127,99,120,56,99,127,62 '3

    DATA 59,59,63,63,56,56,124,124 '4

    DATA 127,127,7,63,120,115,127,62 '5

    DATA 62,127,99,3,63,99,127,62 '6

    DATA 127,127,99,112,56,28,14,7 '7

    DATA 62,119,119,62,62,119,119,62 '8

    DATA 62,119,119,127,126,112,119,62 '9

    DATA 28,62,99,127,127,99,99,99 'A

    DATA 63,127,99,63,63,99,127,63 'B

    DATA 60,126,103,3,3,103,126,60 'C

    DATA 31,63,115,99,99,115,63,31 'D

    DATA 127,127,3,63,63,3,127,127 'E

    DATA 127,127,3,31,31,3,3,3 'F

    ’ Matrix to remap keypad values

    ’ Change values to whatever you want to get displayed.


    DATA 1, 2, 3, 4

    DATA 5, 6, 7, 8

    DATA 9, 0, $A, $B

    DATA $C, $D, $E, $F

    ’ Seven-segment digit maps


    ’ .gfedcba

    DATA %00111111 ’ 0

    DATA %00000110 ’ 1

    DATA %01011011 ’ 2

    DATA %01001111 ’ 3

    DATA %01100110 ’ 4

    DATA %01101101 ’ 5

    DATA %01111101 ’ 6

    DATA %00000111 ’ 7

    DATA %01111111 ’ 8

    DATA %01100111 ’ 9

    DATA %01110111 ’ A

    DATA %01111100 ’ B

    DATA %00111001 ’ C

    DATA %01011110 ’ D

    DATA %01111001 ’ E

    DATA %01110001 ’ F

  • Hi,

    Its highly unlikely that the controller card went bad if the LED’s are displaying the up-down pattern.

    The serial backpack generates that pattern as part of its boot sequence. I would check the connections from your sx-28 chip to the serial backpack, and make sure you haven’t gone overvoltage on the spi inputs, as it sounds like a communication issue, rather than the serial backpack being completely dead.


    –David Carne

    I found out that the cable I made must have been going bad (soldered connections on ribbon cable). I used (2) 3-pin serial LCD cables from Parallax and that works great.

    BTW: If anyone programs Parallax SX-28 micro-controllers, the program is now posted for you to use. Have fun!


    Have you ever seen a problem with a ghosted image offset on the display?

    I can scroll text messages fine but just can get rid of this ghosted imaging. It occurs when you have 1 or more displays and try to feed it more than 64 bytes (which is what I am doing with cascaded displays - using DataOut on the first display to DataIn on the 2nd display.

    Please help if you can.

    Thank you.

    Well I found out that my problem with the ghosting was because of the microcontroller running faster than 125 KHz or so. I had it set to 4 MHz. However, now the scanning is so slow that it is nowhere’s near being “smooth” - refresh is very observable.

    I set the DEVICE and FREQ as below:


    FREQ 128_000

    Now what?