SparkFunBME280 Qwiic and ESPNOW

I am using a SparkFunQWIIC BME280 connected to a ESP32 Thing Plus. Also connected is a non QWIIC RTC - DS3231. It is taking some weather measurements over time then sending them to another ESP Thing Plus using ESPNOW. The receiving Thing Plus simply puts some of the data on an OLED. The sending seems to be working. No errors/sending failures are indicated.

The first measurements of the BME280 are fine and they are sent fine. Then the measures go pear shaped. The temperature goes to 117C, teh HUmidity goes to 100 and the pressure goes over 1100. I feel it looks more like a different planet. :smiley: . All the bad data is sent and matches the serial port printout.

Is it possible that the ESPNOW interferes with the readings of the BME280 or somehow interferes with the QWIIC connection? The RTC clock is correct. I know the BME280 works on its own.

Any thoughts or direction would be appreciated.


FWIW, I’ve had several BME-280s (though I’ve been using the SEN-13676, wired to a ESP-8266 “Huzzah” boards from Adafruit). They’ve been in several situations, outdoors, indoors, in the refrigerator, and in freezers. The only problems I’ve had were when one of the outdoor sensors got wet from rain – it gave very weird results when it gave any at all. How fast are you asking for readings? In my situation, since I’m not taking readings very fast, the data is done being sent prior to the next reading. (Some are once per minute, some are once per hour, but I’m planning on converting those to being once per minute, and others to once every 6 seconds, i.e., ten times a minute to catch more resolution as to when the 'fridge turns on.)