Weather:bit: cannot read values from the BME280 sensor

I’ve purchased a SparkFun weather:bit - micro:bit Carrier Board (Qwiic) and I’m trying to use it with a MicroBit v2.
I’ve been following the tutorial here micro:climate Kit Experiment Guide - SparkFun Learn trying to read the values from the BME280 sensor but I’m only getting 0 as value for temperature, humidity or pressure.

If I read the raw values (without integer division) I’m always getting these values:
temperature = 0
pressure = 69
humidity = 0
altitude = 40477.39

I’ve run this with just the micro:bit (not inserted into the board) and I’m getting the same values.

The wind and rain connections appear to work when linked to their corresponding harware as it seems I’m able to read a value for wind direction or rain gauge.

Please help

Made some more experiments and I discovered that if I put the micro:bit into a SparkFun Qwiic micro:bit Breakout and I use a qwiic wire to link this board to the weather:bit board then suddenly the BM280 starts reporting data correctly (temperature, pressure, etc). Of course now the wind direction or wind speed no longer report anything.

But seems like the micro:bit is not able to read the BME280 through its connector but I’m able to read the sensor through the I2C port.

Is there a problem with my weather:bit board?