I am using the weather:bits to record air pressure readings as part of a project with primary school children. I have loaded the sparkfun weather:bit extension in to the MicroBit Makecode and have followed the microclimate kit experiment guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … d-pressure
Whilst I get rational results for both Humidity and Temperature that is not true for air pressure. To test the hardware and software operation I have also loaded 2 other extensions; BME280 and Enviro:Bit in order to compare results. Comparison results for Weather:Bit, BME280 and Enviro:Bit respectively are as follows:
Temperature 21 , 22, 22.
Air Pressure 27, 1021.49, 1021.
Humidity 52, 52, 53.
The 27 result from the weather:bit is not correct. The hPA figures from the other software are correct. All 3 are using the same hardware.
I think that both the BME280 and the EnviroBit use the 32bit software alternative in the BME280 datasheet but weather:bit uses the 64bit software option (because it uses C++?), which requires the conversion from Q24.8 format which I assume is the division by 255 outlined in your documentation. Your documentation states that an 8 digit number should be returned by a call to read the pressure and only a 6 digit number is displayed.
Any help to clarify / correct this would be gratefully received.