Hi all,
I recently get a micro:climate kit to teach some students how to use it but we all are having trouble reading the soil temperautre sensor and the preasure reading from the on-board sensor.
We are usign the code from the experient guide.
For the soil temp we get an error of 409593.75 and for the preasure sensor we all get the value of 27 (after diving by 25600 as suggested in the guide).
We get the same error in in 4 different boards and we are all in different states.
We all have micro bit version 1. the version of the extension is 0.0.19.
I also tried to put the “start wetaher monitoring” block on the “Forever” block.
The wire connections looks solid and I read with a multimeter that the temp sensor is at least getting energy.
I am thining that the version of the extension needs to be older to meet the microbit v1 settings.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Do you have a different board that you can test it with, to ensure the sensor is functioning properly?
We were talking a little bit through the tutorial comments => [ https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … 0890353923 ]. I had some time to test the DS18B20 temeprature sensor with the weather:bit carrier board and the Micro:Bit v1.0. I do see what you are seeing now. There is a workaround for the DS18B20 temperature sensor while the extension is fixed as I stated in my latest comment:
I just tested with a Micro:Bit v1.0 and am seeing the same issue that you are where the value is a constant value of 409593.75. :\ I’m not sure the exact reason why you are not able to read the sensor. Talking briefly with my coworker that has updated a few of the our extensions, most likely it has something to do with the way MakeCode editor 2.0 passes data (i.e. char vs int8 is one example).
I do not have an exact timeline of when the weather:bit extension will be updated but I did find a workaround. There is another 3rd party extension that you can use for the DS18B20. Try doing a search for “DS18B20” and adding the microbit-dstemp. Then select the temperature pin on P12.
I think we need to update the extension as well for the BME280 in MakeCode editor 2.0. :\
Do you have a different board that you can test it with, to ensure the sensor is functioning properly?
Thanks for your recomendation.
Do you mean a different Microbit or a diffeent interface? I have a Arduino that can be used for that but the same error in 4 different microbits and sensors look odd to me.
Ok, I also got it working with another 3rd party extension as a workaround while we update our weather:bit extension . If you do a search for the BME280 and click on the BME280 extension, you should be able to read values from the BME280.
Thank you very much bboyho.
Both extensions works perfectly.
I was able to read the DS18B20 and the BME280.