Weather:bit and Soil Temp


I followed and tweaked the advice on your site. Everything logs fine, except the soil temp, which logs to 0.

The connections for the probe are red:VCC, black:Gnd and White:SIG.

Any advice on getting the probe to log values would be welcome.

Hi Paul,

This rings a bell but I’m not sure exactly what the issue is off the top of my head. I’ll try and find the post or case I am thinking of with a fix but in the meantime, out of curiosity, does the [Soil Temp Example from the Micro:Climate Kit Experiment Guide work fine with your soil temperature sensor?](micro:climate Kit Experiment Guide - SparkFun Learn)

The MakeCode loaded onto the Microbit shows 0. The 3 wires appear secure in their connectors.

Hmm, I remember an issue with the rain meter data not functioning properly that was caused by an update to MakeCode causing the extension to temporarily stop functioning properly. Try reinstalling the Weather:bit extension by navigating to the Extensions Menu and going through the [extension installation process again. You will need to make sure all the code blocks related to the Weather:bit are removed from your MakeCode editor.

Give that a shot and if you are still having issues, can you please take a few photos of your Weather:bit and connections with your Soil Temperature Sensor and attach them to your reply? Please do your best to make sure they are clear and well-lit.](micro:climate Kit Experiment Guide - SparkFun Learn)