Sparks Fun WiFly with AtTiny84

Hi Everyone,

This is my first Eagle project and I am doing what I can to make my first working board.

The components that are in use are the following


WiFly RN-131C

The ordeal is that currently I am using a breakout board on my breadboard for my testing. But using Eagle its using the Surface mount unit so I am not 100% sure if my Pinout is correct.

I have created a Software UART drive on my Microcontroller and then ran P1 to the RX o the WiFly and P3 to the TX of the Wifly and just wanted to confirm that my PNG displays that correctly (RX, TX, GROUND, PWR 3.3V).

And if anyone has anything else useful to add that would be great. I hope I put enough detail into this post for you to answer.



P.S. Anyone know where I can get the Eagle file for a SKM53 GPS unit? Or a Document on how to build one?