SparkX and New_Parts Eagle Libraries?

I’m wondering where to find the Sparkfun Eagle libraries “New_Parts” and “SparkX”.

They are referenced in the schematic for the Qwiic PT100, for example.

In the Eagle library manager, I have added all of the Sparkfun managed libraries. Nice work.

However two libraries, New_Parts and SparkX, are listed as In Design, but Unavailable.

Makes sense that they might not be part of the managed library, still I haven’t find them on github either.

Is there a path to download these, pretty please and thank you?

Hi @alexmstahl,

You can find the New_parts library in the GitHub repo - together with the Eagle .brd and .sch files: … r/Hardware

You may need to tell Eagle to “Use” the library via the Control Panel to be able to access it.

The SparkX library only contains the SparkX logo. Really, it should be in SparkFun-Aesthetics but nobody has ever got around to putting it in there!

You can create the library for yourself if you want to. Use the Control Panel to create a new library. Open it using Control Panel. Then switch to the schematic, right-click on the logo and use “Copy DEVICE To Library” to copy it into the library. Save your new library. Close it. Use Control Panel to “Use” your new library. Go to the schematic, right-click on the logo and use the “Replace” option to replace it with the copy from your new library.

Best wishes,
