SparkX Qwiic 24 Bit ADC

Hello all,

I am new to this forum and moderately new to microcontrollers. My goal is to continuously print the voltage readings from 6 load cells at once. I am using an Arduino Uno and the SparkX Qwiic 24 Bit ADC. I currently have the system functioning with one ADC and one loadcell but have two questions. My first question is can I take 2 differential measurements (using four channels total) at once using one ADC? and the second question is can I daisy chain 3 ADC together (assigning a different addresses to each ADC) and print readings to the serial monitor using the Arduino IDE?

I tried searching this topic but did not find anything specific to my setup. This is probably as much of an Arduino question as anything else, but I am not super familiar with object oriented programming so I’m not sure where to start. Thanks in advance for your input!

Yes; ‘This ADC board has eight address jumpers that let you choose one of sixteen unique addresses (0x40 to 0x4F). With this, you can connect up to sixteen of these on the same I2C bus and have 64 channels of ADC.’

Sure, you’d just edit the code a bit to account for the added channels & addresses … n/examples

To answer the first question, the chip only has one ADC, with a mux (selector) in front of it. Therefore, you can only measure one differential measurement at a time. Therefore, you would select the first load cell, measure it, then select the second one and measure it.