SparkX SGP30 not detected by the Raspberry Pi

Hi, I recently got my hands on a couple of SparkX SGP30 sensors. I hooked them up to my Raspberry Pi 3B+ but they neither of them are detected on the I2C Bus.

I used SMBus, LibMRAA and I2CTools to try and detect the sensor. No luck!

I’m using the Qwiic hat for raspberry pi so wiring’s okay.

I have other sensors (different addresses) running, so the I2C bus is working fine.

I’m running the Pi’s I2C bus @ 100kHz. Also tried with 400kHz, still nothing.

Also tried with the RPi 4B 4GB, still a ghost!

Don’t know where I’m going wrong. Is the SGP30 not compatible with the RPi?

Hi Nuren.

These have not been tested on a Pi, but should work with the right connections and code.

Are you attaching more than one at a time? These have a fixed I2C address and if you connect more than one at a time, that could be causing you issues.

If you have an Arduino, you might give our example code and library a try just to make sure they are functional.