Standards library

Is there a library of basic outlines, with a plain schematic symbol, with all the soic and leadless etc parts? This would be handy to find as I cannot always find a part locally so I use an equvilant which isn’t in the same package so I am always using all the plain outlines but have to make my own… :?:

What CAD tool - Eagle?

There are several libraries (ic-package and ref-packages) that have the footprints. Making a plain symbol for each of them is relatively simple to do. However, making your own symbol specific to the part is not much additional effort and you get a lot of benefits to this.

I think you’ll find that dropping in “generic” 16 pin parts (for example) will be pretty unreadable. I think you will find it much easier to follow your schematics. Having pin names at the least makes it much easier to debug a circuit.

Yes Eagle but only smds

Mostly I would but for something simple like a power switch a basic outline would be quick, messy but easy.