Star Trek models, a microcontroller and a soundboard - Help Please

Greetings all,

I have built an arduino script that works and lights up my Star Trek model and has visual effects. My next step is to get audio working.

I’m looking for a Spark Fun set of boards that will playback a MP3 when a button is pushed. It is important that the script for the LEDs continue to run in the background while playing the sound clip. I did get it sorta working with an adafruit sound board, but the interrupts weren’t working properly.

My question is this. What micro controller / sound board combo does SparkFun produce that will allow playback to be triggered by the micro controller switch push and that will not interrupt the led scripts?

We have a board called the [WAV Trigger that can be serially or GPIO controlled, that might work for you.](


Is there a smaller version with direct speaker connections?

Have a look at the [Qwiic MP3.](SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger - DEV-16892 - SparkFun Electronics)