stepper motor & driver board issue

Wondering if anyone can help

i have

2 Phase 4-wire Stepper Motor

5-12V 2phase 4-wire 4phase 5-wire Stepper Motor Driver Board Speed Controller

i have tried the different configurations with the jumpers on the driver board but nothing seems to work other than a buzzing sound from the motor, i have tried 2 separate similar boards and 2 separate motors same issue nothing working

are these 2 items compatible with each other or could it be a coincidence that both are faulty ?


Are you using products from our catalog? If so, I would need product numbers or URL links to troubleshoot specific to the products. Please include them as soon as you can.


no parts are not from catalog it was just a technical question i thought this place was for random electronic parts i did not realize the forums was for related catalogs my mistake

I’m sorry if I’ve discouraged you. Your post is welcomed and the forum is a place to involve the community. So there are no worries there. I always start with troubleshooting a problem by nailing down if there are parts from our catalog. Can you give any part numbers or product links to the parts that you do have, even if they are not our products? This will help us and the community dig for more information into the problem.