Identification of SparkFun boards

I received from a friend a lot of electronic components. I have a number of stepper motors and what i believe are stepper motor control boards but I cannot find any ID for obtaining documentation.
Board contains micro USB power input (?) or USB, reset button and a chip led etc
I was searching the “store” but I could not find something similar
Any guidance welcome

Most of our boards have a SparkFun logo and short descriptive text, often of the part number. Example:

You should be able to search that part number on SparkFun and it will take you to the product page. On the product page, you should find a “DOCUMENTS” tab and take a peek at the “Hookup Guide” to get started.

Happy Hacking!

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this one does not have a description or part number

reverse side of the same board

That one’s the Xbee Explorer:

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Beat me to it, thank you!