Trying to find information on an old SparkFun board

I am looking for information on a SparkFun board. It does not have a name or product number but the PC board has a (very faint) manufacture date of 12/20/10. The pins on the bottom match the sockets on an Arduino Uno. The large white socket on one end of the board matches an old 24 pin computer power supply and when I plug in such a supply the power switch on the top turns the supply on and off. I am unable to read any part numbers off the transistors on the top. Given the sloppy soldering and rosin cleanup on the bottom, I suspect it may be part of an ‘assemble it yourself’ kit. What I need most is the part number or spec. sheet for the transistors so I don’t fry something.

Much Thanks.

Looks like this.

There’s a schematic in the documents list.

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Click ‘documents’ here Power Driver Shield Kit - DEV-10305 - SparkFun Electronics :slight_smile:

Thanks Both. Looks like I have everything I need.