Store SRTR RFID tag data in Arduino Uno

I am working with the SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M6E Nano and the Arduino Uno.


I am trying to save tag UID when it is read from the RFID to the Arduino Uno so that it can then be sent to a wifi module.

I looked into EEPROM on the Arduino to do save the tag UID or using SoftwareSerial library although I am still unsure which way is more effective. Is there a method that is better in carrying this out?

How much data are you storing?

If it’s just the ID from one tag, store it as a variable then transmit that data out via wifi.

If you need to store data and keep it even when the power is off, EEPROM would be the place to do that. If you have lots more tags to store than available memory, you could put those in a larger external EEPROM.