Suggestion for QWIIC Alphanumeric Displays

Can you [Sparkfun] come with a better method to remove the pull up resistors? Trying to physically cut a run on a tiny board is challenging and risky. Adafruits doesn’t seem to have the issue. I have multiple Adafruit displays on the same bus and I didn’t have to do anything for the pull ups. Also, via code and physical address, I can reference each Adafruit display individually on the same bus.

I like the Sparkfun version because of the size (for this project) and QWIIC connectors but cutting into the board and referencing in code is frustrating.

That’s kind of the trade-off…space/compactness VS functions/features VS ease-of-use…having cuttable traces is the way to make the boards as small as possible, so I believe that’s the logic/reasoning for us using them so often…

That being said, if we get enough requests, of course we’d change our strategy to fit the feedback :wink: