Surface Mount Navigation Switch + Arduino


I want to hook up a Surface Mount Navigation Switch to my Arduino. … ts_id=8236

I’ve looked at the sample code (see the comments) and I can’t understand how I can translate it into something that’s arduino friendly. Any ideas?


Boy, that’s one illegible data sheet. If you zoom it to 150% it gets a bit more readable.

It looks like “C” is the common pin. “T” gets connected to “C” when you push it straight in; “1” or “2” get connected to “C” when it is pushed ccw or cw.

So tie “C” to ground, “T”, “1”, and “2” to I/O pins on the Arduino, set as inputs with on-chip pullups enabled, or use external pullup resistors.

Then, from software’s point of view, treat it like 3 pushbuttons.


thanks mike, ill give it a crack