I have an RTK Express and am using SW Maps. The RTK Express (not SW Maps) gets the RTK data from mount point P776_RTCM3 at rtgpsout.unavco.org. SW Maps connects to the RTK Express using Bluetooth. I have not provided SW Maps a Geoid File.
When I record a point in SW Maps and download the Excel file, I get the following:
ID 233
Remarks road
Time 08/29/2023 13:31:48.000 EDT
Geometry POINT Z (-71.15969189 44.14395690 480.087)
Latitude 44.1439569
Longitude -71.15969189
Elevation 480.087
Ortho Height 513.999
Instrument Ht 2.038
Fix ID 4
Speed 0.005
Bearing 0
Horizontal Accuracy 0.024
Vertical Accuracy 0.039
Subtracting 480.087 (SW Maps Elevation) from 513.999 (SW Maps Ortho Height) yields 33.912 M. The Geoid12b for 44.1439569 lat, -71.15969189 lon is 27.054 M.
I am guessing that the Elevation of 480.087 M is the height above the ellipsoid?
I would have guessed that the Ortho Height of 513.999 M was the height above the ellipsoid, but this does not seem to make sense.
If I take 480.087 M and add 27.054 M (from https://geodesy.noaa.gov/), I get 507.141 M. Converting 507.141 M to feet is 1,663.848 feet.
Data from the New Hampshire site (https://granitview.unh.edu/ ) for the LiDAR derived 2 foot Hypsographic Contours has this point between 1,666 and 1,668 feet.
It seems that taking the SW Maps 480.087 M and adding the NOAA GEOID12B of 27.054 for this location gets me within about 3 vertical feet (1,663.848 vs the topo of ~1,667).
With all of that, I have two main questions.
Where does the SW Maps Ortho Height of 513.999 come from and how is it derived?
Why doesn’t using the Elevation from SW Maps, and adding the GEOID12B delta come closer than 3 vertical feet of the LiDAR derived 2 foot Hypsographic Contours?