Swarm eval kit question (relative to sparkfun m138)

I have both a swarm eval kit and a sparkfun m138 swarm transceiver. We sort of used the eval kit for what it is designed for, shook some things out and tested.

The m138 works pretty much turnkey with the sparkfun libraries and a generic doit esp32 (have to use Serial2 to talk to the swarm is all), really quite wonderful. But now I want to run the same software on the eval kit since it we have it.

I have not disassembled the eval kit station yet (yes I know it is not a sparkfun joint) but I thought some of you may have? I assume I can just acquire the esp32 model that is in there (which is connected to a oled display shield), put my code on it (maybe minor code changes like the serial port) and swap it out. Then I can also return the eval station to normal by swapping the original esp32+oled back in there.

Anyone done this? It seems simple so, just asking if you know of any pitfalls. (We all know pitfalls come alive when things look simple.)

Also does anyone know what esp32 board that is behind the (Adafruit) oled display? Does Sparkfun have the same unit?

In any case, big bravo to the Sparkfun m138, so far it works almost too well.

Thanks for your advice,


Hi Brett,

We haven’t tried what you’re suggesting with the Eval Kit, but we did think about it! Here are the notes I made at the time:

“It might be possible to run the library examples on the Eval Kit. It should work just fine on the FeatherS2 - ESP32 hardware. But please remember that this is a native Arduino Library written in C++. It’s not intended to run on CircuitPython. You will need to un-CircuitPython the FeatherS2 and put a standard Arduino bootloader onto the ESP32 so you can drop the examples on from the Arduino IDE. “Your mileage may vary” and all the other usual disclaimers apply…”

Good luck! Please let us know how it goes,
