SWARM M138 is not booting

hello, im using SWARM M138 for a project, even after I followed all the steps, changed a lot of things along the way, it keeps on giving me this error: Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

Could not communicate with the modem. It may still be booting…

is there anything im doing wrong?

this is for the simplest of the example configuration Settings.


Please check you have connected your Arduino board to the Swarm Modem TX and RX pins correctly. Please see the hook-up guide, especially this section: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … akout-pins

If the modem is still not booting, please:

Disconnect the power to your Arduino board and the modem.

Loosen the two screws which secure the modem to the carrier board. One turn is enough.

Slide the modem towards the black M.2 connector - to make sure the modem edge connector is fully inserted into the M.2 connector.

Tighten the screws.


There is a little slack on the screw holes. Sometimes this is enough to prevent the edge connector from making good contact.

I hope this helps,


hello again,

even after doing that its still giving the same error.

please let me know how to proceed.


Hi Amodini,

Please complete a return request: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns

Apologies for the inconvenience,


Hi again,

It’s just that I had soldered connections to seed arduino from the swarm board. It was just so I could try to get a reading the other route Atleast.

Still can something be done?

Please let me know.

Hi Amodini,

Please complete a return request: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns

Best wishes,


hi Paul, I had to make a couple of changes. I had to slide th modem and tape it at that position. also I had to replace the gPS antenna. but still the blue light is not still it blinks and disappears

Hi Amodini,

The blue LED is only lit when the modem is receiving a signal from a passing satellite. It is normal for it to ‘blink’ (slowly).

You are welcome to return the modem if you need to: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns

Best wishes,
