Swarm Modem to Modem Message Send

Hello, I have two Swarm SparkFun kits I have purchased for testing. I have had successful transmissions from the modem to the Hive site via the Python GUI. I am wondering if it is possible to send/receive transmission packets from one modem to another through the GUI. Also curious if there is another way to send message packets to a single modem bypassing the Hive site. Thank you!


Unfortunately, I don’t think this is possible. Sorry!

It is possible with Iridium 9603N modems through the Rock7 (Ground Control) server. Messages can be prefixed with the ID of another modem; the ground station servers automatically bounce the message to the recipient. You pay twice, but it is a nice feature.

Maybe you can achieve the same thing with the Hive REST API?

Please remember that Swarm downlink is slow. Expect downlink messages (roughly) once per day.

Best wishes,



Thank you for the reply and information. I will look into the Iridium 9603N modems and Rock 7. Another question I have that you might have insight on, I have message packets in queue to be sent, a good RSSI during a swarm pass through period, and it seems as several passes occur before packets are sent. Is there any reason or cause for the delay? Looks like this:

$RT RSSI=-104,SNR=-5,FDEV=3274,TS=2023-10-27T16:41:31,DI=0x00060c*18

$RT RSSI=-98*2c

$RT RSSI=-97*23

$RT RSSI=-101,SNR=-3,FDEV=-37,TS=2023-10-27T16:41:33,DI=0x000606*67

$RT RSSI=-102,SNR=-6,FDEV=733,TS=2023-10-27T16:41:47,DI=0x000606*7c

$RT RSSI=-97*23

$RT RSSI=-106,SNR=-9,FDEV=3308,TS=2023-10-27T16:41:48,DI=0x00060c*12


$RT RSSI=-100*1c

$RT RSSI=-101*1d

$TD SENT,RSSI=-105,SNR=-5,FDEV=2803,4544940867677*7f

$TD SENT,RSSI=-106,SNR=-5,FDEV=2829,4544940867684*78

$RT RSSI=-99*2d

$RT RSSI=-107,SNR=-7,FDEV=2849,TS=2023-10-27T16:43:00,DI=0x000606*49

$RT RSSI=-100*1c

$RT RSSI=-99*2d

Thanks again for your insight, much appreciated. 


Hi Alex,

If I’m reading your messages correctly, the message was sent after ~90 seconds? That seems perfectly normal… I’m seeing two SVs. 60C is setting - the FDEV is high and rising. 606 passes maximum altitude - FDEV goes from -ve to +ve. I think 606 is the one that picks up your messages - based on the FDEV (Frequency DEViation = Doppler Shift).

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