this might sound a bit crazy but maybe SparkFun could order a few Synaptic touch pads and see what they could do with them.
i pulled out a touch pad from a laptop that broke down on me not too long ago and found some information ([here’s one) on the internet on how to wire them up to the ps2 port on my pc and use it as a mouse, which is really nice.
then i came across this [PDF and in it, it talks about multi-touch as in returning how many fingers are touching the pad and the x,y values of those fingers (not all touch pads support this) but yes, its there built into the hardware.
Im not too sure why its not supported by the drivers in windows but if you had Ubuntu, apparently there is a mod available that enables you to use 2/3 finger gestures or pinching etc…
After my end of year exams, i’ll try to interface my touch pad and see if i can get multi-touch out of it and when i do, i’ll update this post for you guys.
Roman](http://www.synaptics.com/sites/default/files/511-000275-01rA.pdf)](T1004.jpg (image))