TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver

Hi, I’m looking to buy a driver for a nema 23 stepper motor I own that is rated at 2.8 amps per phase at 3.2 volts (https://www.oyostepper.com/category-7-b0-Nema-23-Stepper-Motor.html).
I can see that the TB6600 is rated at 4 amps peak, but I just wanted some clarification on the relationship between peak current and current per phase?
Also, the input to the driver is 9 - 42 volts, but the motor (and many others I’ve seen online) seem to run at around 3.2 volts. . Will this driver work? If not, can you recommend one that will work?
Thanks so much!

No, no :frowning:
We don’t carry any for that particular range

Peak vs per-phase: the phases are exactly that; they are phased…the peak amperage is the peak for any given phase, with the phases being staggered