Teensy Prop Shield SerialFlash Issues

Hey everyone,

This is my first post here so if it’s in the wrong place or more info is needed please let me know. I bought the Teensy Prop Shield along with the Teensy 4.1. I’ve run into an issue with accessing the SPI Flash Chip on the Prop Shield. None of the example sketches from the SerialFlash library seem to work. CS for the chip is on pin 6. MISO,MOSI, and SCK are connected (I managed to run a strip of DotStar LED’s from the Prop Shield with no issues so the connections are fine there). I soldered the headers on it myself, I quadruple checked to make sure there were no cold solder joints on those pins. Is there something I’m missing? Did I somehow get a bum chip? User error is still a possibility but I’ve checked everything I can think of. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Hi Shadow.

It’s possible you did get a bad board but we don’t make this product so we’re not well versed in how to determine that.

What I recommend is that you post on the [manufacturers forum (PJRC) and see what they have to say. If they have you do tests and determine that the board is bad or has a bad chip, just head over to the form in the link below and enter your order number and the URL to the PJRC forum post you made and we can get that replaced for you.

  • https://www.sparkfun.com/returns
  • (Only if you purchased through our website, if you purchased through a distributor or Amazon, you will need to contact them for a replacement. )](https://forum.pjrc.com/)

    Thanks for the quick response!

    I started a thread in their forum here:

    https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/66368-Te … post271311

    I’ll update with more as it comes.

    So it looks like the issue was with the length of the jumpers I was using. I got the example code in the library to run after I soldered female headers on to the teensy and plugging the prop shield in directly. Thanks for the help!

    Thanks for sharing your solution, that will be helpful if someone else has the same problem!