test points on PCB?

In EAGLE, how to you put some kind of test point to be used for testing with multimeter. I do not mean vias. What is the name and what layer it is to be located. Thanks


Just use a pad. Top layer is probably best, unless you are using those little test terminals, in which case you need top and bottom layers.

Loop test terminals are nice for prototypes, especially for a common ground point. For instance, these from DigiKey: http://bit.ly/cKtnce

In Eagle, its best to use a simple pad with an associated schematic symbol (so you can find it easily).

For pin-probe test points, an SMD pad suffices.

In the Eagle Library explorer, look for the library “testpad”. Expand that out and look for “PTR1”, should be the first in the list. Then look for “PTR1 B1, 27”, again, should be the first one. This a simple SMT test point. I use these all of the time for unused pins that might be needed later, as well as actually test points for voltage checks or even serial/TTL data streams.

If you prefer a slightly larger pad, the next one down should do.

Hope that helps!