The external crystal question

I am using an Olimex board with a MSP430f169 device. I plugged in an 8MHz crystal from SparkFun and soldered in two 20pf caps. I have done this with the MSP430f1232 Olimex board and it worked fine.

On this board, however, it hangs up in the test loop. I copied the code from the …169 user guide. If I enable the ‘skip option’ it runs the

DCO at a little above 8MHz.

The code is:

StopWDT     mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD, &WDTCTL  ; Stop watchdog 
            mov.w   #02FEh, SP               ; Initialize stackpointer
            call    #Clear_Ram
            mov.w   #0200h, R4               ; Initialize RAM Pointer
            BIC     #OSCOFF, SR              ; Turn on oscillator
            mov.b   #000h, DCOCTL
            bis.b   #XTS, &BCSCTL1
            mov.b   #088h, &BCSCTL2
            ;jmp     skip                           ; Option to skip external xtal

;Select xtal osc:

            bic     #OSCOFF, SR             ; Turn on Osc
            BIS.B   #XTS, &BCSCTL1          ; HF MODE
InitL1:   bic.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1           ; Clear OFIFG
            MOV     #0FFh, R15              ; Delay
InitL2:   dec     R15                     ;
            jnz     InitL2
            bit.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1           ; Re-test OFIFG
            jnz     InitL1                  ; Repeat test if needed
            bis.b   #SELM1+SELM0, &BCSCTL2  ; Select LFXT1CLK


Any thoughts?


Your code is for a “high frequency” crystal connected to the XTIN and XTOUT pins. Is that where your 8MHz crystal connected?

You may have connected the crystal to XT2IN and XT2OUT pins instead. If that is the case, you have to either change you code, or re-solder the crystal.

I see the mistake. So, I reread the User Guide and changed the code to:

;Select xtal osc:
            bic.b   #XT2OFF, &BCSCTL1       ; Turn on Osc
            BIS.B   #XTS, &BCSCTL1          ; HF MODE
InitL1:   bic.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1           ; Clear OFIFG
            MOV     #0FFFh, R15              ; Delay
InitL2:   dec     R15                     ;
            jnz     InitL2
            bit.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1           ; Re-test OFIFG
            jnz     InitL1                  ; Repeat test if needed
            mov.b   #088h, &BCSCTL2         ; Select XT2

It still hangs up in the test loop. If I comment out the loop, it runs. I think it has to be running on the Xt2 osc because of the mov.b #088h, &BCSCTL2 statement, but not sure.

Don’t think it is working yet.


Hi Crane

I suggest

Go to

next Code Examples Download MSP430x1



SLAU049 User’s Guide



Hope this will help you


I agree with Ben. You misunderstood (not your fault, MSP430 documents are very confusion.)

You can use XTIN/XTOUT for either “low frequency” or “high frequency” crystal. This is controlled by the XTS bit.

You can only use XT2IN/XT2OUT for “high frequency” crystal. XT2OFF controls if it should be turned off.

Your modified code will work only if you have two “high frequency” crystals.

You do not have one at XTIN/XTOUT, thus you should delete the line:

bis.b #XTS, &BCSCTL1

Thanks guys!

I printed the clock section and spent some time with the schematic and your comments.

This code works:

StopWDT     mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD, &WDTCTL  ; Stop watchdog timer
            mov.w   #02FEh, SP               ; Initialize stackpointer
            call    #Clear_Ram
            mov.w   #0200h, R4               ; Initialize RAM Pointer
            bic.b   #XT2OFF, &BCSCTL1        ; Turn on Osc
            bis     #OSCOFF, SR              ; Turn off Low Freq Osc
InitL1:     xor.b   #01h, P6OUT              ; Toggle LED
            bic.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1            ; Clear OFIFG
            MOV     #0FFh, R15               ; Delay
InitL2:     dec     R15                      ; Decrement delay count
            jnz     InitL2                   ; If not 0 continue count
            bit.b   #OFIFG, &IFG1           ; Re-test OFIFG
            jnz     InitL1                  ; Repeat test if needed
            mov.b   #088h, &BCSCTL2         ; Select XT2

Thanks again,
