There another way to copy the program using any programmer?

Hello, I have a [ATtiny25 chips already programmed and used in a small board with relay. this board is used in motorcycle with two additional low/high LED lights left and right of the bike.

The board has two terminal connection for passing light switch. when the passing switch was press the two led blinks low and high continuously and can adjust the rate with a potentiometer. my query is can i copy the program of attiny25 chip installed on the board and re program to anew IC attny25? or there another way to copy the program using any programmer. thanks](

Provided that the code protect bits are not set, it is straightforward to extract the machine code from the memory of an ATTiny25, and program another ATTiny25 with the result.

I use AVR Studio and the AVRISP MK II or the Pololu AVR programmer V2.1 for tasks of that nature.