Thermal Shutdown With Photon Weather Shield (DEV-13674)

X-post from [my comment on the hookup guide tutorial and [my x-post on the product page; I was asked to post here instead:

To power my Photon Weather Shield, I purchased a 9V AC adapter wall wart ([TOL-15314). By all accounts, this [should be acceptable for the rated voltage of the 3.3V regulator on the shield (no modifications were made to the shield itself; no traces cut nor solder jumpers jumped. I understood the shield to come configured to accept ~2.5-11.5V in its default configuration).

Whenever I plug the board in, the regulator goes into thermal shutdown. It usually takes several minutes, but eventually it just locks everything up. I’ve been considering buying either a [5V wall wart, tacking on a [heat sink, or swapping the MIC5205 3.3V regulator for a different regulator, but I figured I’d ask…am I crazy? I have my setup enclosed in a Big Red Box ([PRT-11366) and the reg gets so hot that it actually effects the readings of the shield’s onboard temp sensor…not to mention the thermal shutdown

To clear up [questions that I’ve been asked from my previous posts, I am ONLY powering my setup using a 9V AC wall wart adapter through the shield’s barrel jack.](](](](Wall Adapter Power Supply - 5VDC, 2A (Barrel Jack) - TOL-15312 - SparkFun Electronics)](](Wall Adapter Power Supply - 9VDC, 650mA (Barrel Jack) - TOL-15314 - SparkFun Electronics)](](

1.) Did you do any soldering to the board itself or on the photon board that would plug in?

2.) Can you use an ammeter to measure the current between the wall wart supply and the board?

3.) Can you give a close visual inspection of the parts and their solder joints and take pictures of anything that could look like a jumper?