Thing Plus ESP32 C6 Battery options

The MCP73831 datasheet says it can charge Li-Ion and LiPo batteries and the MAX17048 is for both battery chemistries…

Is there anything dangerous or technically wrong with using a Li-Ion 3.7v Battery on this board ? I already have Li-Ion batteries but hesitate to use them (the whole swelling and blowing up thing)… and I will flat out admit I currently know almost nothing about these batteries with the exception of using them in store bought products.

As you discovered the MCP73831 works with both LiIon and LiPo technology. And the THING PLUS ESP32 C6 [Hookup Guide actually recommends LiIOn batteries (if nothing else, probably because those are the SFE offerings). You should be ok. Do make sure the batteries you have contain built-in protection against over voltage/over current/minimum voltage.](Introduction - SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32-C6)

Thank You for the reply.