Hi. I am using the HX711 breakout in a project that requires sampling the weight at a rate of 100 samples per second. The microcontroller is a Sparkfun ATmega32U4 breakout running Arduino. I already figured out that I need to use a crystal to get the HX711 to sample at rates higher than 80 sps. I’m going to order a 13.824MHz crystal.
But I noticed that the communication with the HX711 takes up about 3ms, when I run this line of code:
Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 1);
Together with the rest of my code, that puts me over the 10ms desired sampling interval.
Is there a way to make this go faster? By editing the HX711 library, perhaps? Would I get faster communication if I use the Qwiic scale instead? (A different I2C device that I am using - not for weight - takes 2ms to do a read, but I haven’t tried the Qwiic scale.)
Thanks for any advice!
Nathan Chronister