TinCan Tools Hammer

Spotted a [review of the [Tin Can Tools Hammer on [linuxdevices this morning - it looks pretty cool.

200MHz ARM SoC, 16MB flash, 32MB of ram, all in a 40 pin DIP 0.1" pitch package. I don’t know how feasible it would be for sparkfun to resell them, but it looks like a great idea for those of us (like me) who aren’t so great at handling SMD.](http://linuxdevices.com)](http://tincantools.com/)]([200+] Linux Wallpapers | Wallpapers.com)

Spotted a [review of the [Tin Can Tools Hammer on [linuxdevices this morning - it looks pretty cool.

200MHz ARM SoC, 16MB flash, 32MB of ram, all in a 40 pin DIP 0.1" pitch package. I don’t know how feasible it would be for sparkfun to resell them, but it looks like a great idea for those of us (like me) who aren’t so great at handling SMD.[/quote]

TinCanTools ( http://www.tincantools.com ) would be more than happy( dare i say honored? ) to work with SFE to retail the Hammer board as well as the related products such as the Flyswatter usb jtag board. we actually have several carrier boards in the works that use SFE breakout boards for easy configuration, as well as HowTo’s for using SFE boards in custom projects. SFE products that can be used with the hammer will be posted on the wiki as they are tested and documented( http://www.elinux.org/Hammer_Board ). we have already started by posting the howto for using the Olimex ENC28j60 module that SFE sales ( http://www.elinux.org/Hammer_How_to_Enc28j60 ). feel free to post to the wiki or the tincantools forum ( http://www.tincantools.com/forum/ ) any SFE products you’d like to see working with the Hammer.](http://linuxdevices.com)](http://tincantools.com/)]([200+] Linux Wallpapers | Wallpapers.com)

TinCanTools ( http://www.tincantools.com ) would be more than happy( dare i say honored? ) to work with SFE to retail the Hammer board as well as the related products such as the Flyswatter usb jtag board.

I've been looking pretty closely at your products since I found out about them there and would love to see SFE add them all to their product line. I can see a LOT of ways I can use Hammer in my robot projects, including BiPeds.



TinCanTools ( http://www.tincantools.com ) would be more than happy( dare i say honored? ) to work with SFE to retail the Hammer board as well as the related products such as the Flyswatter usb jtag board.

I've been looking pretty closely at your products since I found out about them there and would love to see SFE add them all to their product line. I can see a LOT of ways I can use Hammer in my robot projects, including BiPeds.


we are doing some testing and documentation for using the Hammer in robotics now. hopefully have that posted in the next couple of weeks. our primary concern at this stage is to get ideas/feedback on the types of howtos and documentation potential customers would like to see. i confess that some of us at TinCanTools have become jaded to suppliers providing poor documentation and aren’t entirely certain what good documentation looks like anymore. if you have nagging questions about the hammer and related products such as the flyswatter please post them. we’d love to address any questions you might have. in addition if you have any example projects you’d like to see that would be very helpful.

our primary goal at TinCanTools is to be able to bring powerful and easy to use devices to the hobbyist community. SFE has led the way in listening to their customers for new products, community documentation, and generally making really fun products. TinCanTools hopes to be able to do the same thing.

TinCanTools invites anyone that is interested to join the wiki at http://www.elinux.org

we are doing some testing and documentation for using the Hammer in robotics now. hopefully have that posted in the next couple of weeks. our primary concern at this stage is to get ideas/feedback on the types of howtos and documentation potential customers would like to see.

Find a good group of robotics folks and get Hammer into their hands. You won't get better feedback than having somebody actually use a product.

if you have nagging questions about the hammer and related products such as the flyswatter please post them. we’d love to address any questions you might have. in addition if you have any example projects you’d like to see that would be very helpful.

The only questions I have at this point require hands on to answer. I will be getting a full Hammer kit as soon as I can afford it - maybe January or February if all goes well. I see the value in having a full blown Linux system on robots, including Bipeds. I have outgrown the modules i have been using for my robot brains and have been using Linux since kernel 0.98.

our primary goal at TinCanTools is to be able to bring powerful and easy to use devices to the hobbyist community. SFE has led the way in listening to their customers for new products, community documentation, and generally making really fun products. TinCanTools hopes to be able to do the same thing.

If you follow SFE's lead, and really listen to those who use your products, TinCanTools should do well and be able to expand over time. I have other applications where Hammer would do well, such as on on board computer and light controller for my power wheel chair.

TinCanTools invites anyone that is interested to join the wiki at http://www.elinux.org

I will be joining soon! :D:D



we are doing some testing and documentation for using the Hammer in robotics now. hopefully have that posted in the next couple of weeks. our primary concern at this stage is to get ideas/feedback on the types of howtos and documentation potential customers would like to see.

Find a good group of robotics folks and get Hammer into their hands. You won't get better feedback than having somebody actually use a product.

we will be attending some of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group ( http://www.dprg.org ) in the near future and giving away several kits.

we will be attending some of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group ( http://www.dprg.org ) in the near future and giving away several kits.

Those guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky! Do you think they could annex Beaverton, OR before you attend their meetings? :D
