Tiny AVR Programmer, ATtiny85 1MHz & 8MHz differences and external interrupt problems

First may I thank you for the excellent notes on setting up and using the Tiny AVR Programmer, very clear and easy to follow - thank you!

First question, successfully loading the Blink sketch initially selecting the internal clock at 1MHz the LED flashed a the expected frequency - 1sec on 1 sec off for 1000 arguments in the delay function, BUT when the 8MHz internal clock was selected the flashing frequency DROPPED by a factor of 8 - I had expected it to increase. Why did it drop?

Second question, I have written a sketch that uses external interrupt to measure the period of a pulse train (2ms pulse width with frequencies in the range 25 - 300Hz). The sketch uses <attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(InterruptPin), Pmeasure, RISING);> to set up the external interrupt. The sketch works well on Arduino UNOr3 and also on Trinket (which uses the ATtiny85) but fails to upload to the Tiny85 with the error message <‘digitalPinToInterrupt’ was not declared in this scope> What causes this error? Can you point me to a tutorial describing how to use the external interrupt of a Tiny85?

Thank you

You’d need to match the boards.txt using the new clock speed I believe http://www.technoblogy.com/show?1ZIY#:~ … %93%205.5V

I found a bunch of examples using interrupts; here are a few

https://www.instructables.com/ATtiny85- … s-Example/



https://www.gadgetronicx.com/attiny85-e … 0interrupt

a special note about the 85 in particular https://forum.arduino.cc/t/attiny85-int … /914897/13