attiny85 with I2C and external interrupt


I am trying to make a triac dimmer controlled by an attiny85.

I have the dimmer working fine with an ordinary arduino so that part is fine.

My main problem is is that I am using the TinyWireS library to turn the attiny into an I2C slave. This is working fine, but uses pins 7 and 5 (physical)

I need a rising edge interrupt to trigger the triac at the right timing. I gather I need to use the general pin change interrupt on something like physical pin 3 I then need to figure out if it is a rising or falling edge.

I have two questions really:

The first is if some I2C data arrives, will that mess up any timing currently going on in my program, or will that just be put into a buffer for me to retrieve later without messing with any other execution going on?

Secondly; does anyone have a barebones example of a rising edge interupt on any pins other than 7 and 5? I would really appreciate it!

Thanks for any hints anyone can offer!

Best regards,


The first is if some I2C data arrives, will that mess up any timing currently going on in my program, or will that just be put into a buffer for me to retrieve later without messing with any other execution going on?

Section 15 of the datasheet tells me that there's a 1 byte deep FIFO on the USI data input and that there are 2 interrupt control bits that can be used to enable/disable serial bus interrupts. You should be able to have the Tiny receive 8 bits and poll the USI status register to see it data has been received ... thus no interrupts to disturb your timing. … asheet.pdf

Good to know! Thanks for the info. Since I posted this I have set up Atmel Studio and switched from using the Arduino libraries to plain AVR C++. I have been slowly working through the basics, io, timers, interrupts etc. I have also been delving into the data sheet. My head is spinning from everything I have needed to learn to even get back to where I was but I figure it is worth it.

Any extra hints still gratefully received!