TMF8801 Distance Sensor Bottoming Out at 620mm?

I recently got my TMF8801 distance sensor up and running using the sample code that comes with the Sparkfun library for said board. However, when the distance from the sensor to the nearest object exceeds roughly 620mm, the sensor returns a value of 0mm. In the datasheet for this sensor, it clearly states that it is capable of sensing objects up to 2500mm away. Is there any way to set the range of the sensor over I2C? I’ve found no such procedure in the sample code.

Support for SparkX products is tricky, as they are by their nature experimental - have you tried completing the calibration example here … ration.ino ?

have you tried completing the calibration example here … ration.ino ?

Yes, I have run the example calibration script successfully (no errors were thrown), yet the sensor still bottoms out at around 652mm. This is not a change in behavior over my originally stated 620mm limit, I was simply estimating at the time I created this thread.

Support for SparkX products is tricky, as they are by their nature experimental

Which is why I've come to the SparkX Products forum. I understand that these products are experimental and will try to give as accurate information as possible to help resolve this issue.

I have the same problem,but I find out the reason that it need to upload the Ram patch ,

so you need to translate the Intel HEX the raw data(main_app_3v3_k2.hex) from firmware ( on the web.

(you need to follow the Application Note-I2C Commands to Control TMF8701/TMF8801/TMF8805-Ram patch upload )

I only help you for this information,because I didn’t finish the coding yet.

If you finish the coding please share with me. Thank a lot.

I have the same problem,but I find out the reason that it need to upload the Ram patch ,

so you need to translate the Intel HEX the raw data(main_app_3v3_k2.hex) from firmware ( on the web.

(you need to follow the Application Note-I2C Commands to Control TMF8701/TMF8801/TMF8805-Ram patch upload )

I only help you for this information,because I didn’t finish the coding yet.

If you finish the coding please share with me. Thank a lot.

Nice to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. However, I'd appreciate it if the fine folks at SparkFun could provide a solution that doesn't involve me manually translating gobs of Hex code, as I purchased a product, and I'm hoping to get the advertised performance out of it.

File an issue in the Github for the product here: … 801/issues

Doing so will get the attention of SparkX and the issue can be reviewed on as it sounds like it is code related.

File an issue in the Github for the product here: … 801/issues

Doing so will get the attention of SparkX and the issue can be reviewed on as it sounds like it is code related.

Done. … 1/issues/1

Hi folks,

I’ll work on this and will get back to you as soon as I have any updates.



Hi folks,

I’ll work on this and will get back to you as soon as I have any updates.



Hi sir

I want to know to have any new updatas in this case .

Because if It is low priority and having long time to work,I must continue finish coding by myself.

And if It will be finished on 1.5 weekend,I will wait the solution


I finish the coding but I only have the Arduino UNO (Not enough memory)

If you need I could send the file for you

Any updates on this?