I ordered four TMP117 temp sensors (15413) and have connected them to a QWIIC hat on a Raspi 4. Two were DOA and on has since failed (It’s been a week). A friend ordered three, with one DOA. I have tried them daisy chained, single connected, each of the QWIIC hat ports, and connecting “left” and “right” side of the boards. One always works, one used to work, and two never worked. These are the only I2C devices on the PI. Each has a different address.
I had high hopes to implement an all-QWIIC system, and this is the only QWIIC temp-only sensor. I can use the TMP-102 with a QWIIC adapter, but would really like to simplify as much as possible. Is anybody else having problems with the TMP117.
*When I say they work, they show up with ‘i2cdetect -y 1’.