TMP117 Debug?

Hello Sparkfun Folks!

I recently purchased a [TMP117 and an ESP32 Thing Plus to control it. I’m not having much luck with even basic usage… I attempted to use the example sketch “Example1_BasicReadings” and I wind up in the failure loop. I also tried a [simple i2c scanning program, and it cannot find any i2c devices when I have the TMP117 connected and the power LED indicating it is on.

I tried using every combination of the Qwiic connector and/or SCL/SDA pins on the dev board and/or sensor. I can’t find the device at all. Any other ways to debug this, or do I have a dead sensor on my hands?](Arduino Project Hub)](SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor - TMP117 (Qwiic) - SEN-15805 - SparkFun Electronics)

It sounds like the sensor could be defective if it’s not discoverable after all that you have done so far. I would file for an RMA request here: