I bought my TOP106 last yeart and it’s been working great. In setting up at a new location and running OPUS I noticed that the calibration data is now loaded as SFETOP106 so YAY and thanks! The one thing I’m still missing though is the North Reference Point for the antenna. The antenna itself isn’t marked and there doesn’t seem to be any other indication in the datasheets or docs. Does anyone know the proper orientation?
Is there any way to calculate the north reference point from NGS Calibration Data: ANTEX and ANTINFO given in the documents section? Hope sparkfun will clarify the issue.
NGS’ website is a bit of a challenge so I cannot link to the SparkFun page directly but if you go here: https://geodesy.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/# and use the ‘Browse antenna information’ drop down, then select ‘SFE’ you’ll see the TOP106 listing. For antennas that don’t have a clear North marker, the NGS will generally use some other physical trait; the antenna connector being the most common.