I’m trying to hook up the Copernicus II GPS module, essentially with the same components as the
[SFE hookup guide (same antenna too), except using an Arduino Uno (via the 3.3v pin) instead of the FTDI board. And then using a short sketch which essentially copies serial input from the GPS to the serial monitor.
One time only (a week ago) I got expected NMEA output that looked like this:
But now I get output like this:
(NB: in between I tried reconfiguring the GPS module a few times, including sending the NMEA sentence to reset the module to its factory default settings, which clears the position cache)
Okay, so that says to me that the antenna is not getting a fix, or that the antenna and/or GPS module is defective (which seems to be an issue with others).
Or possibly that that 3.3v Arduino pin can’t supply enough mA for both the GPS and antenna, as I’ve seen suggested elsewhere. So to test that I disconnected my jumper wires from Arduino pins 3.3v and GND and instead plugged them into a [url]Breadboard power supply stick outputting a steady 3.3v (verified with my DMM) but with the TX/RX pins still connected to the Arduino. When I do that I get output of… nothing. I also tried connecting XSTBY to VCC as suggested in the Copernicus II manual (although it worked fine w/o this when powered through Arduino) but that didn’t help. If I connect the VCC/GND wires back to the Arduino, I start getting NMEA output again (still no fix).
Why would that be? I feel like I’m missing something obvious.](