How about some 3.3v lcds? Ones that can run both logic and backlights off 3.3v. No need for any charge pumps or bias tricks. for example has LMB162ADC-4, which can operate within 3.3V voltage even the Backlight ( STN gray LCD and white LED backlgiht). Around $3.00 in qty of 200.
I read on another forum that someone modified a Nokia 6610 LCD to use the backlight LCDs in parallel instead of series (The backlight is just 2 side-facing white SMD LEDs with a forward voltage of 3.3V and forward current of 20mA). As long as you had a 40mA current-limited 3.3V supply, you could run them off 3.3V. However, you may as well get a charge-pump since it saves you modifying the LCD.