Hello everyone,
I recently started to work on the TRW-24G modules, and in two weeks of work Ive put them to work almost fine.
I started using 1 byte of data and also 1 byte of address to make the things simple at start (shockburst mode and 250kbps). The plan was to make a serial (232) to RF conversor, so each byte received on the usart was sent trought RF and vice versa.
Just like ive read here, using 1 byte of address allows bad packets to be received (even using 16bits CRC). But what most concerned me was some missing packets that Ive sent and I didnt received on the other side. And that was happening like 10 cm (4 inches) of distance between the modules. When I tried putting them farther, the packet loss was so big, like 90%. So I tried using 40 bits (all 5 bytes) address and for my surprised it also reduced drastically the number of packet loss (like zero in close range) and less than 1% within the same room. But if I take one of the modules for more than 4 meters away , the thing starts loosing packets again, and when there is a wall or something in front, also gets worse (as expected), but I think it is too close to miss so many data. I dont know if my circuitry is making too many noise, because Im working on a universal board with a couple of wires soldered, and using ATMEL 89C4051 (said to be very noisy). As power source Im using 12VDC regulated with a 7805 (for powering the max232) and using 3 diodes (1N4148) to drop the 5V to aproximately 2.6V (Ive tryed using only 2 diodes and put the TRW VCC to 3.4V, but it worked just the same) The atmel is also working in 2.6V (the communication beteew the max at 5V and the atmel at 2.6 is working fine, just a few more diodes).
As it is working just fine at very close distances, I think Im respecting all the timing in configuration and data transmission, but i dont know how to make the thing works at larger distances.
Ive already tought about making a protocol to ACK, and RESEND if needed, but that would work only for less than 10% of data loss.
Im now using the following configuration:
-Frequency 2.4 (configuration word 0)
-1 channel
-RF power 0db (config word 11)
-XO frequency 011 (althougth I dont really know witch crystal is there because of the metal cover ) default was that so I didnt change it
-CRC 16
-5 bytes address
-9 bytes data (that would be too much overhead to send only 1 byte of data with 5 bytes of adress)
Ive tryed using other channels (frequencies) but no result (sometimes worse)
Anyone have any clues?