Try to find a motor controller works with motors below 5V

I want to build a tiny obstacle avoiding robot using a 3V coreless DC motor. I’ve been using L293D to control 5V motors and up, but I can’t seem to find a motor controller that works with motors below 5V anywhere.

I also have 3V two-step motors, but I would much rather use the 3v coreless DC motor if possible: L293D-Motor-Driver is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which allows DC motor to drive on either direction. It is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any direction. It means that I can control two DC motor with a single L293D IC.(For more details,you can read the datasheet here: … D013TR.pdf)

Do you have ideas of this such a small motor-controllers exist or do I need to looking for a different solution? All I’m trying to do is to have some kind of tiny component that will let me control both (or at least one) of the motors in both directions. Normally I could use L293D, but it requires 5V inputs for the trigger pins as well, but my project will be using only 3.7v.